Some History

In 1997, KCA recognised the need for a comprehensive drilling engineering training program, targeting 12 young engineers poised to become future drilling professionals within the KCA drilling operations for their 1990s initiatives. This program was structured to mirror their clients' systems, viewed as the industry standard for training excellence.

Spanning two years, the program was primarily focused on completing question sets covering various aspects of drilling engineering, culminating in a significant examination at the end of the two-year period. The initial success of this program prompted another client to request a similar training framework, allowing KCA to reinvest the funds generated into a thorough redesign of the curriculum. This revamp ensured that the question sets were more robust and thoughtfully crafted.

At its inception, the program was supported by an array of books and manuals distributed to each candidate. As interest from additional clients grew, the number of engineers enrolled in the program increased, providing further financial resources for ongoing enhancements. One of the significant advancements was the development of WikiWell, a vast online reference resource created from scratch by RPG staff and specialist contractors.

Today, 27 years later, the program has evolved into a comprehensive suite of supporting materials designed specifically for young graduate engineers in the Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Well Construction industries, enabling them to access invaluable resources while engaging with the question sets.