Drill String Design
3 days
Classroom based
Course Overview
This course covers the theory and practice of Drill String Design with a focus on ensuring a sound understanding of the effective design and operation of a drill string. The string is simplified to aid understanding, using a conceptual configuration comprising of only drill pipe, drill collars and heavy weight (hevi-wate) drill pipe. The manufacture, API performance properties and function of each of these components is explored along with key factors to account for, when running components together. A range of calculation methodologies are presented aligned with API standards to consider tension, torsion, make up torque, bending strength ratio and stiffness ratio. The impact of combined loads will also be considered. Candidates will have the opportunity to put the theory into practice through a number of design exercises.
This course would be relevant for Office and Rig Site Drilling Engineers, Drilling Contractor personnel including Toolpushers and Drillers / Assistant Drillers, as well as Service Company personnel involved with the drill string. This course will also be of interest to those wanting to understand more about the drill string and its operation who may not be directly involved in Well Construction.
At the end of the course, participants should have an awareness of the manufacture and prevailing standards relevant to the string components, the ability to design a simple string by hand for both vertical and deviated applications, and be able to determine the performance limits of that string.
A Certificate of Attendance is issued on completion of the course
Additional Info
The accompanying course manual is WEC-14